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Lawless, Molly – Infandum #2


Infandum #2 Now Available! $1

Humiliation! Now there’s a fun theme for a comic. First up is the delightful strip I sampled below, about how to deal with getting dumped by a guy. Not sure if it would work if the genders were reversed but ladies, this is perfect advice if you want to torment the dumper. Next up are a couple of stories about baseball players who are remembered, even after long, mostly successful careers, for one big play they botched. These stories are from 1908 and 1912 respectively, as Molly seems to have a fascination with this era. Fine by me, it’s something I’ve been curious about for years but never bothered to go back and research. The best of the bunch is next, a story about humiliation at grade school. Molly was something of a teacher’s pet back then, but decided to spice things up a bit by following the lead of a fictional idol of hers and puts on a pair of homemade rabbit ears for a few days. This, oddly, goes mostly unnoticed by the class… until her mom decides to come in wearing the same ears. I believe “scarred for life” fits here. Finally there’s the story of a Molly deciding to train for a marathon with a friend, who lives miles away. They were supposed to both be training at the same time, except for the minor fact that, months later, the long distance friend still hadn’t begun running, while Molly was hobbling herself on a constant basis trying to get in shape for a marathon. Great stuff all around here, it’s hard to get more quality material for a buck than you’ll find here. $1

Lawless, Molly – Infandum #1


Infandum #1 Now Available! $1

Intoxication! Now there’s something we can all get behind. Or something that we’ve all worked towards at one time or another, in one form or another, and yes, I’m talking to you super religious types who “get high on Jesus” too, assuming you people would read a site like this. This is a very short comic, but it does have one essential story about a young man walking home with his laundry at night when he happens upon the town Jesus Van. Chances are you’ve seen something like this in your town, and he thinks it would be the best idea in the world to smoke a bowl in said van, and, well, there’s a lesson to be had somewhere in that. Also in here is a strip about the basics of Catholicism as told by a talking bird, the story of the death of a drunk baseball player over a hundred years ago, and a tale about the virtues of drinking heavily after an intense workout. Great stuff again, and don’t be too fooled by the size, as Molly has a tendency to draw tiny panels, so she still has space to pack in a good story…