Various Anthologies – Garish Zow Comics #1

May 2, 2010


Garish Zow Comics #1

You know, not to pick on this anthology unfairly or anything, but it seems kind of silly to me to number anthologies until you put a second issue out. If that happens, fine, the first one is automatically assumed to be #1, no big deal. How’s that for an utterly insignificant mini-rant? Anyway, this one isn’t bad, but it’s not great either. There are comics from Amy Allen and Samuel Kienbaum (I’m mentioning them because they’re already on the page and I like their work), and a really great one about friends drifting apart from Thien Pham. Other than that it was a mish-mash, ranging from good to not-so-good. Parts of it were worth a look, if nothing else to see Amy Allen do a comic that wasn’t about Zecord, and it looks good, with a full color section in the middle. Here’s a list of the rest of the contributors: Michael Allen, Tim Goodyear, Ian Ameling, Katherine Wien, Carlos Baltodano, Lou, T.J. Winslow & Nikolita, John Orloff, and Mark Thompson. It’s $3, send an e-mail to order.