Czekaj, Jef – Hypertruck VI

April 27, 2010


Hypertruck VI

This is the perfect comic. It’s the size of a regular comic, and the story is about hamsters running indie record labels and chickens controlling electronic music. Combine that with text pieces here and there such as “Dear Intergalactic Bounty Hunter” and “You Like Huey Lewis, Admit it!”, and you have the best comic in the world. Or maybe some of his earlier ones are better, I don’t know, I haven’t seen them yet. Back issues of this are the first thing I’m getting when I have a new address though, I’ll tell you that. Give him all your money!

Box 440422 Somerville, MA 02144-0006

Or maybe e-mail him first to see what he has around. According to this, #1-5 are available for $2 each, but this was done a few years ago: