Hankiewicz, John – Guessbook

April 23, 2010



Wow, it’s been far too long since John’s page has been updated. It looks like a homage to my older, crappier scanner over here. Guessbook is a sketchbook comic, and I think I’ve made my feelings known about sketchbooks in general, but a chance to get a peek into John’s brain isn’t something I’m ever going to complain about. Everything is so precise and structured in his comics that’s it’s almost a relief to see messy sketches and half-finished ideas, in an odd way. As always with sketchbooks, it helps a whole bunch if you’re already a fan of the artist’s work, so if you’re somehow not familiar with John, check out some of his other stuff first. If you already are a fan, images in here include people, places and things, some done in a surreal way, and bits of things that never went anywhere. Yep, that’s just about the most generic description I could give, but it’s not like there’s a linear story here for me to comment on. $4