Dwyer, Brad – Genetically Modified Punk Rock Pandas

April 3, 2012


Genetically Modified Punk Rock Pandas

Oh parody comics, you are the proverbial red-headed stepchild of the small press business. Sometimes they’re a ton of fun, sometimes they improve on the thing that they’re trying to parody and show us something new, and sometimes they just exist. This one goes under the “fun” category. There’s no “#1” listed on the cover, which is probably for the best, as this would get old in a hurry. But 8 pages of these punk rock pandas beating the crap out of some cops is just good clean fun. Well, not “clean,” as there’s puke all over the place, but you know what I mean. Things start off with our four heroes facing off against the cops. They pull their weapons out (switchblade, bat and chain) while the last panda has had too much to drink to be much use in the fighting. Or so they thought, because as it turns out puking all over some cops can really throw off their game when they’re trying to shoot/fight you. Mayhem ensues, cops are beaten up, pandas run from cop reinforcements, and we’re left with a pretty funny final page. Whether or not you should seek this one out should be obvious to you from that title and the sample, but if this is something that sounds like fun to you, trust me, it is. $1