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Choat, Floyd – Shade #1

Website (Floyd is deceased, if the internet is to be believed, which makes me retroactively a real jerk for writing a harsh review)

Shade #1

OK, I’ll admit it: I don’t have the ability to take comics like this seriously. I’m sure it would be just fine for a lot of people, but it didn’t do a thing for me. You can see the cover, right? From that cover, what would you guess it was about? An angry man with a giant moustache, possibly fighting crime, maybe making out with beautiful women (depending on how angry he was, of course), with gun and/or fist fights, and silly, macho dialogue all over the place? Well, that’s pretty close to how I saw it, anyway. Floyd did the first 10 pages, then Johnny did the next 23. It’s not like this was the worst thing in the world or anything, as there were at least a couple of interesting characters (two cartoonists who looked completely different from everybody else, but it was neat how it was done). Who knows, maybe it was their first comic or something (although the design was pretty slick), and it looks like Johnny has a bunch of other comics on his website, so it’s not like I’m going to write them off or something. If I see anything else around I’ll pick it up and let you guys know, how about that?