Kochalka, James – Fantastic Butterflies

April 27, 2010


Fantastic Butterflies

I’m still not sure how to review a James Kochalka book. If somebody was in the room with me when I was reading (for the ten minutes or so it took to read it) they mostly would have heard pages rustling and a chuckle every now and then. It has the best ending ever of anything, and I’m absolutely sticking to that until somebody proves otherwise. There’s a sad dog, a cranky James, an angry cancer robot, and a burst testicle. If that sounds depressing, you have to remember that this is a James Kochalka book. If I was king I think I’d make terminally ill people all over the world read this just so they could laugh and see what a silly farce the whole damned world is. The bottom line here is that this is another great book from the man if you like his previous stuff, and if you don’t like his previous stuff why are you reading this at all? Just go buy it already.