Brown, Jeffrey – Every Girl is the End of the World For Me

April 22, 2010


Every Girl Is The End Of The World For Me

My opinion about Jeffrey’s relationship books seem to vary across this page, but let me make one thing perfectly clear: they’re always good comics. Even if I’m annoyed about bits that are left out or Jeffrey’s seeming inability to deal with women he’s dating, his ability to catch that perfect quiet moment or that perfect line said to a loved one in the middle of the night is unmatched. No ambivalence here though, this ended up being possibly my favorite “relationship” comic of his, although I haven’t read Clumsy in years so don’t quote me on that. It’s the story of Jeffrey’s life from 12/26/03 to 1/15/04 and that title sums it up beautifully. It’s all about the women in his life, sometimes just friends, sometimes exes and sometimes people that he would like to date. Things seem clear enough when Allisyn, Jeffrey’s girlfriend in Unlikely (the one that somehow got away as far as this page is concerned), contacts him after years apart. Things seem to be building up to them getting back together, but it turns out that she’s just a horrible human being and “cheats” on him before things really even get going. There are all sorts of other women in here who may or may not be interested in him, and a few that try to set him up with friends, but what sets this apart from his other work is that it’s not a relationship comic, it’s more about the time in between relationships, and that’s something that’s been sorely lacking to his work. It’s also probably a great epilogue to the events in Unlikely, something that I’m going to have to pick up soon. Really great stuff here, I can’t recommend it enough. $8