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Bliss, Pam – Dog & Pony Show


Dog & Pony Show

I was perfectly ready not to like this book, really I was. I put off reading it because it looked cute as hell, and that kind of thing rarely sits well with me. Finally I had a couple of free hours and I figured I had to read this sooner or later, and it completely won me over. Let me make one thing clear: this book is really cute. Really. And it’s still one of the better things that I’ve seen this year. It’s a huge book, almost 170 pages of all kinds of random stories. Time travel, Sasquatch, autobiography, Radiation Man, song adaptations… There was even an alphabet done by a dog named Sparky and I still liked it. Sometimes you have to be in the right mood to read a certain type of comic, and sometimes the comic is good enough to put you in just that right type of mood. I was grinning from ear to ear after reading this and now I want more. Probably my favorite thing in the book was the adaptation of “Froggie Went A’ Courtin”, which you probably know as “Crambone” from some old Tom and Jerry cartoon. Who knew that there were that many words in it? Fantastic stuff, all the way through, and I really can’t say enough good things about this. All ages fun. That’s rare enough, but when it’s a genuine treat for the adults and not just tolerable, well, you have yourself a keeper. Visit her website, all kinds of stuff there.