Dwyer, Brad – Crimson Cloak

April 23, 2010



Crimson Cloak

It’s times like this that I wish I had some sort of an organized filing system.  Or, frankly, an organized way to deal with submitted comics at all.  I really should get on that one of these days.  See, Brad sent this comic along with #6 of his regular series.  I love his regular series, as anybody who scrolls around this page will soon learn.  In the letter with the comics he mentioned… something about this comic.  I got them months ago, I have no idea what he said, and a dig through all the stuff on and around my desk did not reveal this letter.  What that means is that I have to review this comic as if I just found it in a store, or it just came all by itself without a letter, and that’s a shame.  Why?  Because this issue kind of sucks.  Granted, it’s OK for what it is, but a straight up superhero story just isn’t my thing these days.  This is the story of a scientist who is trying to develop an enlarging ray to help with world hunger.  The scientist’s assistant is actually a villain in disguise and he ratchets the ray up to full power, making a gigantic super pig.  After this villain is hilariously dispatched, the friend of the professor (secretly the Crimson Cloak, of course) spends the rest of the issue trying to defeat the pig.  It had a funny moment or two, but Brad mostly played it straight, and that included the use of an absolutely ridiculous amount of exclamation points.  There’s no reason to crap all over this, as I enjoy his other series and look forward to #7, but there’s not much in this issue that makes me want to recommend it to anybody else.  Pick up some of his other issues instead, you’ll love them.  As for this one, if you love superhero comics this might be for you.  As for price, I have no idea, as it’s not listed on his website, but let’s say $2.
