Bordeaux, Ariel – Clutter

November 20, 2024



I was wondering if I had many reviews of Ariel’s comics on this here website, and it turns out that I did review a few of her minis, including a couple from the last time I moved to Champaign Illinois. Time is a flat circle? Is that what that means? Anyway, she’s on the very short list of people who got me into the world of zines, she’s always funny, and I was thrilled to see a book from hers that I hadn’t seen at CXC this year. It’s been out a few years, it’s just new to me, and… this is not one of those funny books. Which should be clear from the subtitle, but trigger warning for anybody who’s had to deal with this in their lives. The book bounces back and forth a bit between a linear narrative and her thoughts and memories, and I probably shouldn’t say that nothing here is funny. Just not, you know, most of it. Things start off with a couple of disturbing incidents, one involving a stranger wanting to take pictures of her, another with a stranger resting his hand on her knee in a movie theater. She was a small child for both of these and didn’t know quite how to take them, but it was clear to her that neither incident was normal. Next we see the routes of some of the many cockroaches in her home at the time, followed by the worst sexual assault incident of them all, which was possible because of a ladder that was left outside by some handymen. This incident is the background for the rest of the book, as it’s the kind of thing that never fully leaves her mind, or at least not for long. Still, life goes on, and we see some happy times with her friend, laying a field of clovers, somersaulting to music, and her friend’s secret candy stash. The story eventually moves on to her current life (as of 2010ish) with her husband and child and her attempts to find peace and grace. It’s a solid, occasionally disturbing book, and it could help a lot of people who have had similar experiences. On a completely unrelated note, she also mentioned that she’s been doing daily strips for several years, and wow do I ever want to get a look at those. I’m guessing they’re some of her “complete” work that Silver Sprocket is putting together into one volume. Here’s hoping, anyway! $20