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Beranek, Adam – Silent Forest


Silent Forest (with Christian Beranek, Nick Beranek & Chris Burke)

Finally, here’s a graphic novel of a comic that I didn’t like at all. Sorry, but it’s true. This one has the inhabitants of the Silent Forest reveling over their ousting of the evil golf course, which causes them all to remember something different as to how they got rid of it. Then they go wrestle (no, I don’t know why), which is followed by a bunch of strange dreams and a football game for the fate of the forest! OK, good news first. The art is MUCH better than the first time around, and I don’t think it was that bad then. Good stuff, all of the pages look great, and that’s saying something with this many pages. The characters are a bit more interesting this time around too, as they get time to help flesh them all out a bit. My main problem with this book is simple: puns. Now, I can usually let them just roll off my back, but the puns in here were so bad that I literally almost stopped reading it in the middle, and that never happens. When one the characters said “Holy cow!” only to have a literal holy cow drop down out of the heavens… oof. I think blood shot out of my eyeballs. Still, if you can get a dark marker and cut those things out, it’s far from being all bad. Pretty far from being all good too, but there you have it. It’s $11.95 and I think it’s out by now (I got the preview edition because I’m special!), so check out the website up there.