Auman, Chris – The Flaming Skull of Death

September 24, 2024


The Flaming Skull of Death

True confession time: when there’s a code to be broken in a comic, even when the creator is nice enough to put the key to it on the inside back cover (like Chris did), I rarely if ever bother to crack it. Comics shouldn’t be work, is my general theory, but to each their own! Plenty of people would love to crack codes in their comics. I mention this because several key plot points of this one are in code, so buyer beware. Or buyer enjoy! It all depends on your preference. But then, you may ask, why am I bothering to review this, especially when Chris was nice enough to send me a few of his comics to choose from? Well, have you seen that title? It is mandatory for me to review any comic with a title that awesome. So what’s the comic about, except for the page that I didn’t translate, but believe it or not I did translate the rest of it? Jonas (after a wonderful page of a warning to the reader that what follows would be terrifying) is invited to his uncle’s castle. The message is cryptic, and references a code that his uncle was unable to decipher. He went along with it out of familiar duty, but the castle unnerved Jonas, seemingly more every time he visited. He decided to read the message that his uncle had left for him in the castle, which I glossed over, because it’s a full page of code, life is short and I am lazy. From there the skull appears and delivers his warning, which I DID translate, and which led to a chase scene. The rest of it is up to you, gentle reader, because I’m not spoiling the whole thing. It’s a fun book, even with me only having the vaguest idea of what a seemingly critical page says, with a solid ending. $6.50