Cattapan, Brian – Certain Confusion #4

April 22, 2010


Certain Confusion #4 Now Available! $2.50

Looks like another one of his books has made the jump to being a full sized mini comic. Wait, does that make any sense? Oh well, I think people know what I mean. The strips are getting a bit smarter, to be perfectly honest. I still don’t like the format for most people, but he manages to make it funny on occasion. Strips in here are about dating, drinking, drunken sex, and art. Oh, and in case I haven’t mentioned this before, Brian hand colors all of the covers. The price has jumped a bit to $2.50, but this is also the best issue of this series yet, so it’s up to you whether you’d like to sample a couple of issues for that price or just pick up the best one. There’s a new website in this one too, although the old one still seems to work…

Cattapan, Brian – Certain Confusion #3

April 22, 2010


Certain Confusion #3 Now Available! $1

Just how many series does this guy have going at any given time anyway? Not that I’m bitching, it’s a good thing to show some range. This one is a short collection of the dreaded four panel gag strip. The first one was basically just an ad for a band and there was one on the back inside cover, so that leaves 8 gag strips. Out of those I thought 5 of them were some degree of funny, so I guess that makes this a winner! Topics include working, death, coffee, hate, and comics. If you’ve looked at the rest of this page you already know the drill for his books. If not, it’s $1, contact info is scattered over the page. See if you can find it!

Cattapan, Brian – Certain Confusion #1

April 22, 2010


Certain Confusion #1

Everybody who reads this site on a regular basis knows that I mostly don’t like the traditional 3 or 4 panel comic strip with the gag ending. It’s just been done to death and I’m frankly sick of seeing it, as I think this medium is capable of so much more. That being said, this stuff wasn’t bad. A couple of groaners, sure, but some of the strips were genuinely funny and that’s about all you can hope for out of this format, in my opinion. I didn’t like the “mouth all the way open to indicate talking” thing that a lot of characters did at first, but the more I read the more it grew on me. It’s just so ridiculous that it’s hard not to laugh at after awhile. Contact info is above if you’re in the mood for strips…