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Corrigan, Nate – Captain Spectacular #4



Captain Spectacular #4

I missed an issue in there (maybe I can find it at the next SPACE), but this issue seems to me to be a big improvement over #2, and I liked that one just fine.  It had (and I know this is a big claim) the single best kick to the groin in the history of comics.  This issue deals briefly with Captain Spectacular fighting the Geyser Geezer, and after that’s taken care of it’s time for him to use him secret identity: The Janitor.  It turns out that The Janitor is also a super hero, although his job is exactly what it sounds like: he sneaks into buildings under cover of darkness and cleans them.  This has set off local law enforcement, as they seem to hate vigilantes of all types.  This had the feel of a bit of an “in between” issue, as it starts with a fairly meaningless (but amusing) fight and ends with the appearance of what must be the next big villain.  In the meantime we get to see both heroes in action, the obsessed detective and  get a clear view of how the world sees both the heroes.  The art seems to have improved as well, as the backgrounds are impressive in their scope and Nate can definitely tell a story with facial expressions alone.  As far as superhero parodies go, there are a lot of stinkers out there, but this one seems like it’s worth keeping an eye on.  $2.50


Corrigan, Nate – Captain Spectacular #2


Captain Spectacular #2

As I hope you were able to guess from that wonderful title, this comic doesn’t take itself too seriously. Yes, it is a super hero parody, so if you hate them all go ahead and move along, I won’t be offended. If you only like the really good parodies, well, this one is somewhere in the middle so far. #2 in a series is, in all fairness, still pretty early in the game. I missed the first issue, but this one starts off right at that cover image, namely with the Captain about to get beat up by a giant mushroom. In the background of this story there’s another vigilante super hero wandering around, this time apparently a janitor, and spend some time with the owner of the farm where this fight is going down. If you can look at that sample without grinning then you’re probably not going to like the rest of this. As for me, I’m curious to see where it all goes, but this one was still pretty fun on its own. $2