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Zattera, Stefano – Baby Burgher

Comics at Stripburger

Baby Burgher

Another winner from the Stripburger pile. This one is all about Baby Burgher, a creature of pure evil apparently but also a small child, who goes around causing mayhem. He turns into a zombie, makes a cat-hippo, pretends to be a werewolf, steals the heads from dolls, turns himself invisible, and leaves the planet all so he can torment things and people. He kind of resembles Sof’ Boy (being a pudgy smiling creature), but lacks the joy for the world and has a hippo for a sidekick. Wordless and funny. I especially liked the touch of using pictures in the word balloons to tell what the characters were thinking. Anybody who buys these is probably going to be better off buying the whole pile from Top Shelf, but you can always e-mail the guy directly to see what else he has laying around.

Chris Staros over at Top Shelf told me that although the Mini Burger set isn’t available on the web page, you can still order it through their online catalog. Just go to the ordering page, click on #4 at the bottom (additional comments) and write in that you want the Mini Burger set for $19.95. They have it in stock, they just haven’t updated the site in a while. From what I’ve read, it’s worth it. There might be two bad ones in this bunch and a couple of mediocre ones, but the good ones are good in ways that you don’t usually see in this country.