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McDonnell, Lisa – A Really True Story



A Really True Story

If it says so right in the title, who am I to suggest that isn’t a really true story?  Lisa says in her intro that “all the identifying facts have been changed to protect me”.  Which is odd, considering that there is no female character in a leading role here, but I’ll let it slide.  This is the theoretically the story of two cops and how circumstances helped them catch a potential car thief.  I say “theoretically” because it’s really all just an excuse to get to the punch line, but it’s not kosher to give such things away in reviews, so I’ll stick to telling you about the rest of it.  Bob and Jake (the two cops) finish up a day of work and head home.  Bob realizes that he forgot to tell Jake that they need to come in early the next day but, as is required by the laws of the universe, he only remembers this when he is almost home.  He pulls in the driveway, makes a pledge not to leave the car until he talks to Jake, and suddenly hears someone approaching his car.  He ducks down, ready for whatever is coming, and he hears the kid talking trash about the other car in the driveway before getting to him.  Bob kicks the door open, shocking the kid, who runs into a nearby house.  The rest of the comic is a (shorter than you’d think) chase and the previously mentioned punchline, which was set up wonderfully earlier in the comic but it flew right by me.  Lisa seems to have this 6 page comic thing down pat, as she managed to pack funny, tense and humiliating all in one pamphlet.  It’s worth a look if you have an extra buck or two lying around.
