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Vrooman, A.A. – Candlakare Mardommar: Dental Nightmares


Candlakare Mardommar: Dental Nightmares

I’ve done it!  I’ve finally managed to find the quickest mini comic to read in history!  This is not to say a bad thing about the content of the comic (which I’ll get to in a minute), but wow, this thing is short.  There’s a four page wordless story, followed by a couple of rough sketches of two of the four pages, and that’s it for the comic.  Just a note: rough sketches in such a tiny thing are completely unnecessary.  Just my opinion, but I would have preferred a tiny bit more content.  So how about the story?  The cover gives it away, except the plural aspect of it is misleading: this is about just one dental nightmare.  An alien (not pictured in the sample) dreams he/she/it is in a dentist’s office, the dentist turns into an evil monster, and then the alien wakes up.  The end!  Um, spoiler alert.  The funny part about this is that I went to his (her?) website before writing this and there are at least a few freebies up there with more content than this comic.  For all that complaining about the tininess of this thing, it’s a funny piece.  It will take you between 10 and 20 seconds to read it, but it’s not bad at all.  The website has full color, so naturally it looks a little better, but I’d be very curious to see a bigger story with this artwork.  Worth checking out, sort of, or you could just read the samples at his/her site and go from there.  No price, but I’m going with $1.