Chandler, Richy – Delicate Axiom #1


Delicate Axiom #1 Now Available! $7

There’s a fine line I try to walk in these reviews, where I theoretically tell the audience enough about a comic to pique their interest without giving too much away. Some people don’t mind at all and some people would even prefer to learn as much as possible about something before buying it, but I can’t stand spoilers so you’ll get no such information from me. That being said, it’s really tough not to spoil anything in this one. It starts as a conversation between two female friends in a bar. Ramani is upset because her boyfriend hasn’t been the same since he witnessed the death of his friend Jericho. His other friend Abdul was with him at the time, but they’ve since stopped speaking and the details of the death are left vague. After some searching (without her boyfriend Ken being involved) they manage to locate Abdul, but he’s off in the mountains and unreachable. Anything past that point would be giving too much away, at least in my view, as a good deal of the joy I got out of reading this issue was the constant, completely unexpected surprises and I’m not coming close to ruining that for anybody. I will say that it’s gorgeous, funny and smart, three very good things in a comic, and I’m more than a little curious to see what else Richy has done. Richy lives in London, so the exchange rate puts this up to about $7, but it’s a fat comic and well worth it.

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