Stang, Audra – The Audra Show #7


The Audra Show #7

Well, my big plan to reread the series before reviewing this issue fell apart after I was unable to find the first couple of issues. Does this mean I don’t have them? No, it means I moved a few months ago and my general comics organizational plan was iffy even before that. If and when there’s a #8 for me to review, I’ll be doing my own archaeological dig. Speaking of my crappy memory, has Audra done much autobio in these issues before? This one is about half and half, and all of the stories are a few pages long at the most. I mean, the second half is all Audra, so it’s not like she was mixing both types of stories together. Stories about her life deal with her obsession with American Idol back in the day (which inspired some of her first art, so I can now officially say that that show wasn’t all bad), putting together her own scrap books of famous people, her innocent phone call to the mother of a contestant, and the looming, seemingly inescapable presence of her asshole of a father. He starts off as background noise for a few of her other stories, but he really makes himself known by the end, to the extent that her last story is called “I’m Glad I Didn’t Kill Myself,” told as her current self in reference to the previous stories. I hope that dude fell down an open manhole and lives in the sewers now. Anyway, the first half of the book is back to the ongoing story, and I don’t know why I’m reviewing the book like this so shut up about it. This is heavily about Adelaide, as she’s having a thoroughly miserable time watching other people have crushes when her crushes don’t feel the same way about her. There’s also a brief dream of Owen’s, which naturally involves something bad happening to him at his job. Oh, and she prints a few letters! Well, emails, I’m assuming, but still, that’s always nice to see. I don’t know where she goes from here, whether it’s focusing more on personal stories or back to her universe, but I’m excited to see what she comes up with next. $12

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