Update for 9/22/20

Sorry again, but chances are this will be a rough few months on the update front because of my job at the Board of Elections, so please bear with me. New review today for Banal Complications (the last of the current mini kus books) by Marc Bell! Oh, and bear with me for an announcement about the online store here below. If you have no interest, carry on!


My online store is busted. Anybody who has tried to use it knows this already, but please know that I know that too. Since the store is basically a time capsule at this point, I’ve decided to shut it down at the end of the year, at which point I’ll be paying everybody whose books have sold (be prepared for some disappointment, artists!) and sending back whatever books didn’t sell, if they still want them. Meaning that if there’s anything that anybody would like to buy, you have a little over 3 months to do it. As the store is busted, you can’t just click and have it add them up, you’ll have to copy and paste them all into an email and send them to me. But on the bright side, there are some real gems in there, things that are just about impossible to find now. I mean, I still have two copies of Bogus Dead left, one of my all time favorites, just to name one example. So! I’ll be mailing stuff out weekly (all I can manage at the moment), and I’ll try to check the stock once or twice a week to give people a chance to substitute other books if they want. Contact info on the sidebar is good, so please use that. Oh, and I’m also selling other stuff not in the store (like all my Hate by Peter Bagge books; I’ll be getting the fancy hardcover edition when it comes out so they’ll be superfluous), so if you’re curious about that stuff just ask, otherwise it’s going onto eBay. Thanks everybody!

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