Update for 12/5/16

Hey look everybody, I’ve changed the website around! And broken it in a few places, as I’m not sure how to fix the menus and my tech guy is out of the country for a few weeks. That new banner image is by the delightful, talented and incredibly patient (believe me, she had to put up with some serious delays on my end with all the work I was doing for the election) Cailey Tervo, and you should really think about hiring her for your illustration needs before she gets too famous to bother with freelance work. New review today for Everyone is Hungry by Anna Sailamaa, and since my contact information has mysteriously vanished I’ll just post it in these messages every day until I figure out how to fix it. Comments or suggestions (or tech advice), please let me know!
For reviews:
Kevin Bramer 2405 Meadow Spring Circle Columbus, OH 43235

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