Update for 10/13/14

See? Back to reviews again. Two new ones today for more of the Latvian Mini Kus series: Lucky by Oskars Pavlovskis and Domino by Ruta & Anete Daubure. And hey, I got press credentials for Wizard Con here in Ohio at the end of the month. That’s generally a much larger con than I usually attend, but I figured why not, at the very least it would be an interesting look into how the rich and/or famous types live. I’ve been trying to think of ways to promote the small press stuff while I’m there, so I thought that if you had such a comic and also had t-shirts, maybe I could just wear that for a day? Yes, I’m aware of the fact that this sounds like I’m just asking for free t-shirts, which I guess is kind of true, but at least I also have good intentions. If you think this sounds like a great idea, e-mail me and we’ll figure something out.

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