Mint On Your Pillow #4 by Rebecca Strom

Optical Sloth » Comics Store » Comics » Mint On Your Pillow #4 by Rebecca Strom

Hooray, I now have all of Rebecca Strom’s comics for sale! For anybody who’s interested, I said all those nice things about the other issues before they were for sale here, in case people think I’m just talking up the books that I sell. Just to clear up any confusion, however, all of the nice things I’m saying about future issues are going to be with the knowledge that I’m selling them. All clear? Good. Here’s another fine comic from this woman. About the only negative thing I can say about these is that they bear no resemblance to a coherent narrative, but that’s not the point (as far as I can see) anyway. Her books are a collection of thoughts and moments from her days, some memorable, some not so much. This one has snippets of waiting in line, wet socks, late night coffee, a fender bender, a bruised butt, the mob, changing the sheets after a breakup, and a few more things, but why spoil all the surprises? This one’s a buck, contact info is up there, unless, of course, you’d rather just buy some of her comics from me…


Price: $1.00

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