Tales to Demolish #2 by Eric Haven

Optical Sloth » Comics Store » Comics » Tales to Demolish #2 by Eric Haven

The name of the story in here is “I Killed Dan Clowes”. What, I still have to write a review? Isn’t that enough on its own to make you curious enough to buy it? Well, what am I supposed to do now? This is a short book and each surprise in it was better than the one that preceded it, so I don’t want to give anything away. It’s $3 and I’d never seen anything from this guy (that I remember anyway, maybe something in a random anthology somewhere), but now I’m sold. Does that help? His art was tremendous, perfect for this adventure story. I mean revenge story! Oops. As you can probably tell by the title on the cover, there’s plenty of mayhem, death and God. I’m not even going to tell you who else gets killed in here, or if Dan Clowes actually dies. Check out the website or send him an e-mail, I’m sure there are samples there that will tell you more than I’m willing to. Hey, what can I say, I like a good surprise, and I’m not a fan of ruining it for others. Look, even the sample isn’t going to give too much away…


Price: $3.00

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