Macedonio – Sigh Fi Tales


Sigh Fi Tales

My ridiculous scanner situation has kept me from getting to these Macedonio comics as quickly as I’d hoped but, as with all comics that are sent my way, I will get to them eventually. I mention this mostly because this the third comic I’ve read from the man and each one of them is a completely original book and concept. Maybe three doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but if he’ll be in damned good shape if he keeps up this level of inventiveness for all of his comics that I have around the apartment. Anyway, according to his introduction this comic deals with “something that could happen and probably has, to someone or something at one point or another. Stories with no actual end.” So if you’re looking for resolutions, look elsewhere. Stories in this one include the general wide range of strangeness that exists (with a final panel that perfectly sums up “strange” in my book), birds eating fried chicken scraps, the extremely dangerous sleeping patterns of a dreaming mouse, a parting gift from a tom cat, and several pages based on different versions of time. See? That’s a varied pile of stories right there. In case you haven’t read the other reviews about the man’s work, he’s been around (with a VERY long break in the middle) doing comics since the Weirdo days and you whippersnappers could learn a thing or two from the man. No price listed, but $2 is probably in the neighborhood.

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