New reviews for Same Old Story “Vintage Shorts” by Nathan Wiedemer & Steven Mangold and Billy the Demon Slayer #2 by Hayden Fryer. See, I told you I’d get some extra reviews up this week, and there are possibly still more to come. Oh, and I also figured out that you can see the prices for the comics in the store if you highlight the area near “price”, which isn’t an ideal way to shop, but at least you can see the prices that way. And hey, I am offering original artwork from all sorts of people this week, with you being able to have a say as to which one I send you. I’ve also been told that it’s an easy fix to get the prices to show up again, so maybe it’ll be fixed soon. What I’m trying to say here is that the rewards for ordering comics this week are still greater than the hassle, so why not order some stuff?