Kochalka, James – Fancy Froglin’s Sexy Forest


Fancy Froglin’s Sexy Forest

If you’ve ever wanted to see James Kochalka naked, buy this book! Seriously, I’m not going to scan the picture because I’m pretty sure it’s only for paying customers, but he’s totally nude, dude. As for this book, maybe I’m just looking for more mature stuff from James after his incredible work with his sketchbook diaries, but this whole thing is as childish and silly as it could be. You know, maybe you should try getting drunk before reading. I think that would help the humor a bunch. People who have bothered to read the rest of this page know that I’m a huge James Kochalka fan, so I’m not going to say that I hated this book. I’m simply going to to say that I didn’t like it as much as his other stuff. OK? If you’re looking for a story synopsis, I’ll do the best I can. Fancy Froglin wanders around a lot, either with a boner or trying to get his boner back, while talking to Some Bunny, Uncle Funky and Butterfly Guy. It’s $12.95, which is a pretty hefty price for a book that’s so quickly read, but you know what you’re doing when you buy a Kochalka book by now. It’s worth getting just to see the incredible coloring job that was done to this, but as far as content goes, I think he’s done better work. Contact info is scattered all over this page, you know what to do.

Posted on April 23, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Kochalka, James – Fancy Froglin’s Sexy Forest.

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