Musikoff, Brian – An Axe Fell


An Axe Fell

Looks like I still have a lot of work to do with the scanner. This color cover looks better than a lot of them did in the past, but I’d hardly say it looks great. Anyway, you didn’t come to this page to read about my scanner, you came to read about Brian! Or maybe you just wanted to check out a new artist, I don’t know. This is a tale about Brian losing a job he thought he’d have for the rest of his life and his inability to get back into the corporate game. The visuals in the comic tell a different story, but they perfectly illustrate his harrowing employment ride. Luckily it’s easy to see that life in the corporate world isn’t really going to lead to any kind of meaningful happiness (not to give anything away). Have I mentioned how pretty this book is? The art’s tremendous (good riddance for losing that job if it gives him more time to work on comics) and packaging on this book is something else, especially when I flipped it over and saw that it’s only $1.25. Go to the website and check it out, it’s well worth a look.

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