Kraus, Robert A. – RAK #1


RAK #1

There are good things and bad things that happened as a result of bringing my girlfriend to SPACE. The good things mostly involved her promoting my site more than I ever would and making friends with people that I wanted to hang out with after the show. The bad things mostly involve me getting comics that I never would have gotten myself in a million years, like this one. Let me explain before any fan of this gets mad: this isn’t a bad book. The problem is that anybody who reads this site on a regular basis probably knows a little bit about my taste in comics by now, and that cover should say it all. Robert is an accomplished artist who’s been doing his own thing for years. He even got one of his characters made into a video game for Sega Genesis years ago (called Chakan). This book is a collection of art from his entire career. The man’s gifted, there’s no doubt about it, it’s just not my thing. If you like superheroes and fantasy stuff (there are the obligatory Frazetta-style naked warrior ladies in here too), then this is something that you should seriously consider checking out. If you’re like me and this stuff leaves you kind of cold, well, then you can make up your own mind. Check out his website and see for yourself…

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