Bak, T. Edward – The Firefly Waltz


The Firefly Waltz

I feel like I should explain the setup of this before I get into the contents, because this is anything but a traditional mini. What you have here are nine cards in a little fold-out setting. One the back of each of these cards is writing. You know, the story. And behind the cards is a picture of the story in progress. To sum up, I’ll show you what the average page looks like:

Front, back, and then the actual picture. You can see where the card was in the corners of the picture. Everybody got it? OK. The actual story is about a little boy, seen above and a girl, and a mysterious figure called Liberacion who offers them the future for a song. It’s a gorgeous book and it looks like he has plans for a lot more, although I don’t see how it could ever be done in a way where more than a few dozen people could buy it. But what do I know about stuff like this? It’s unique and worth a look, so send him some money at: P.O. Box 301 Athens, GA 30603-0301. Or just e-mail him, whatever floats your boat…

Posted on April 27, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Bak, T. Edward – The Firefly Waltz.

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