Zwirek, Jeff – Burning Building Comix #5


Burning Building Comix #5

Hey look everybody, it’s the top of the building!  I take this to mean that this is the last issue of the series (although a hint on the inside for those of us who are a bit dense would be nice) and, as I have no idea where are least 2 of these issues are at the moment, I’m not going to do the “read the whole thing up and down” experiment just yet.  Jeff did send another tiny mini with this, so when I review that one in a few weeks or months I’ll take the time to throw a few thoughts up here as to how the whole thing came together, as I am a bit fascinated to see how he did.  This issue, of all things, has a love story.  The bottom story deals with a young man who was treated as a doormat by his girlfriend until he eventually came home to find her cheating on him.  The upper story is about a young woman who throws her boyfriend out over her love of the Bible.  The two met at a party, locked eyes across the room, and have apparently been waiting for the chance to show their love for the other one ever since.  As such, this one holds together as a stand-alone issue more than the other ones, as we can actually see them racing back and forth from apartment to apartment.  Oh, and a note for those of you who are close to as dense as I am: the panels with the thick black borders are flashback panels, not Jeff losing his mind with the story, like I thought the first time I read the lower story.  Then the dim metaphorical flashbulb lit up over my head, I read it again, and all was well with the comic.  Another solid issue, I still can’t believe that he managed to finish everything off on such a happy note, and I can’t wait to see how the whole thing holds up being read top to bottom.  I think he may have hit on an impressive new achievement here, but even if I’m overestimating it’s an impressive little mini series all by itself.  $3

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