Williams, Dylan – Reporter #3


Reporter #3 Now Available! $3

Remember back in my review for #4 (which, in my defense, was the only issue that I had) when I said that I just didn’t see what all the fuss was about? Well, I was thoroughly, completely and utterly wrong. This story is what they call a rich tapestry. It looks like everything is eventually going to come together and make sense, but I honestly don’t even care if it does because the individual issues are just a blast. #1 was a great setup for some of the characters and what’s going on. I don’t have #2 yet, but #3 tells the story of what happens after the robbery in #4 (and you wonder why I was confused) and Adam’s role in it. The whole thing was wonderfully done, right down to his internal dialogue when he finds… um, at some point in the story. Trying not to give anything away here, OK? This one is a bit pricey at $3, but has that ever stopped you before? Seriously, I guess it probably has on a few things, but this is well worth it. I’m going to get #2 as soon as I have enough money to buy some stuff from USS Catastrope and I can’t wait to see what all the short stories are about, how they all tie in with everything else. I’m thoroughly hooked now. Dylan Williams, get to work!

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