Tanner, Jamie – Funny Man


Funny Man

My general rule of thumb for comics is that if I read three things from a guy and I like them all, chances are I’m going to like everything he or she does. One comic, it could just be a fluke. Two, the chances are that I’m going to like them from then on but, say, I probably wouldn’t buy their next book if it was a $20 graphic novel. But once you get to the third book, forget about it, I’m hooked. Jamie has reached that plateau. This is the story of a man with no arms and legs who manages to become an unfunny comedian, mostly because of the novelty of having no arms or legs, and his rise and fall back into obscurity. Mostly his life after his fall though, in case you were hoping for something cheery. Oh, and don’t forget the dream scenes and/or hallucinations. Great stuff again, like I said, more than slightly disquieting. $3

Posted on April 26, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Tanner, Jamie – Funny Man.

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