Stephens, Craig – What Else?


What Else?

One thing I can’t get enough of is when new comics creators, when they’re starting out, decide to tackle multiple genres. Whether it’s working out the kinks of just seeing which one they’d like to do the most, the results are pretty much always interested to folks like me who read a ton of these things. With this one Craig decided to tell the story of his Grandfather, from an independent young man to an old man who is fighting to keep his life. It’s a fascinating story, which I won’t go into here (why ruin it?), but one of the main pitfalls for a book like this is getting overly sentimental, which I’m happy to report wasn’t the case at all. Oh, don’t get me wrong, there’s emotion and sentiment here, as they should be. But it never gets to be overpowering, and you’re left with a fairly honest tribute to a man who definitely had a few failings. I also loved how the narration for this is told over a kitchen table, with different memories of how things really were thrown in whenever somebody brought it up. This is easily Craig’s best serious book to date, and it’s great to see him getting better and better each time out. Seriously, check out some of these minis before one of the independent publishers wises up and starts putting these things out. $2.50

Posted on April 26, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Stephens, Craig – What Else?.

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