Plastic Farm #8 Now Available! $2.95
Who out there has been reading this series, waiting patiently for at least some answers to what exactly has been going on here? Well, you get some answers here which, as is usually the case with the great series, also opens up some more questions. The vast majority of this one is the Kamikaze Kid talking about the state of things, how they might have gotten there and what might be done about it. Look, the man (Rafer, that is) is obviously building a universe here, and these things take time. This issue wouldn’t mean much of anything if you hadn’t read the other issues (other than to convince you that he was talking about the last few years worth of GW, or maybe I see that in everything these days), but it’s huge if you have. Contact info is up there, this is still $2.95 and I haven’t been this excited about a continuing, story-based series in quite some time, if that means anything to you…