Rhodes, Matt – The Chaotic Duo #1 mini-series

Website (broken as of 4/4/10)

The Chaotic Duo #1 mini-series

You know, this has to be one of the least chaotic comic books that I’ve ever seen. They duo decides to make some havoc, seeing as how us readers are sitting here staring at them, so they go to Antarctica. Once there, they realize that there’s not much to do and they actually might starve or freeze to death so it’s a pretty calm comic. Then suddenly they find a robot guarding a bunch of food, so Dubya decides that he has to come and blow it up. Hey, it’s chaotic, what do you expect. Overall, this one is OK, but I liked the other one better. And he’s still 13, and will be until January. Just think, he’ll probably do more comics by the time he’s 14 than Joe Matt has done yet! Not sure where that cheap shot came from, but it’s sadly true. Contact info is up there, $1.50!

Posted on April 26, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Rhodes, Matt – The Chaotic Duo #1 mini-series.

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