Runoff #4
I finally managed to find the rest of the issues of this series and if anybody out there is wondering, they are really worth seeking out. Other things that are established in the series (without giving anything away, as usual) is that people can enter town and nobody can leave, nobody can figure out what exactly was killed by that truck, and a man called Mort Carver is the best hope the town has of figuring out what’s going on. If I’m vagueing this up a bit too much, well, read it yourself. I’m hooked. Oh, and it looks like (judging from the last time the website was updated, anyway) that he’s having trouble putting the book out and he’s looking for a publisher. If my recommendation is worth anything, somebody who publishes this type of thing at least read the book and see if it’s worth your while. I think it would be and you have one subscriber in me, if that’s enough to sell you. Contact info is above, check it out, if I haven’t mentioned that enough already.