Lawler, Layla – Raven’s Children #9


Raven’s Children #9

Anybody out there who’s been reading this series on a regular basis knows of the ongoing conflict between Jained and Jemer. If you haven’t been reading this series regularly, then why are reading a review for #9 anyway? In any case, this issue looks to resolve that conflict, and it does it in a pretty interesting way. Not much more I can say about that without giving a bunch away, but take my word for it. As for the series as a whole, I’ll get caught up with where it is one of these days. It has to be on at least #13 by now, as I got this and #10 at SPX ’03, and it’s the kind of thing that is definitely best read in chunks. The art’s looking better than ever and the story is completely engaging. Check it out. Seriously now, there’s a graphic novel and everything, you’ve run out of excuses. $2! Oh, and for once it’s not my scanner screwing up the sample, it’s just that the panels for the page I wanted to use drift over to the next page. It’s a nice effect, it just doesn’t translate well for a sample. Maybe I shouldn’t have used it then? Logic has no place here!

Posted on April 24, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Lawler, Layla – Raven’s Children #9.

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