Category Archives: Site News

Site News

Update for 8/29/23

It’s another comic that hasn’t been around these parts for over a decade, this time the triumphant return of Zoonbats (Chapter 1) by Giles O’Dell!

Update for 8/23/23

New review today for the return of Noah Snograss, with Untamed Highway #1. Not the Untamed Highway #1 that I reviewed almost two decades ago, but a new one.

Update for 8/21/23

OK, I’m back. It was a busier election than you’d think, considering how stupid the issue was. I even had a block of time carved out last weekend to post some reviews, but I made the fatal mistake of taking a “quick” nap. Four hours later, my day was shot, so here are some reviews instead. New review today for the final (at least for now) volume of The Lighthouse in the City by Karl Christian Krumpholz!

Update for 8/2/23

New review today for Town & County #3 by Alex Nall, and a little advance notice for once: chances are there won’t be any reviews next week, as yet another election season is going to keep me working on things other than comics. So, if you live in Ohio and would prefer that you ever have a chance to question a decision from this state legislature again, I’d strongly advise voting “no” on the only issue on the August ballot. Unless you think they’re likely to get every decision right from now on, in which case do what you’d like. I should be back next week with more reviews, but this is also a solid chance for y’all to send along any review comics that you’ve been sitting on.

Update for 7/31/23

New review today for You Don’t Get There From Here #58 by Carrie McNinch. Yep, that number is accurate. That’s a lot of comics, but don’t fret, new comics creators! You can get there too!

Update for 7/27/23

New review today for Nod Away Volume 2 by Joshua W. Cotter, and I’m curious about something. Does this website have any juice at all? By that I mean that Joshua is going to need money to complete all 7 volumes of this series, and since it has the potential to be a high water mark for comics, it surely would be great if that happened. So if I put up a link to his fundraiser, are there any people reading this who could spare even $5 or $10 for the man? I’ll check it in a few weeks and see if that needle has budged. It’s always possible that I’ve been shouting into the void for 22 (!) years, I am well aware of that…

Update for 7/25/23

Sorry about the unplanned week off, but things are getting busy at work again with this ridiculous August election coming up. If you live in Ohio and think maybe the state legislature will ever make a mistake again, meaning you’d like the chance to correct it at the ballot box with 50% + 1 of the vote rather than 60% of the vote, you should vote “no” on the only issue on the ballot. You’ll be in and out in no time, and early voting is happening now. Oh, and there’s a new review today for Santos Sisters #4 by Greg and Fake Petre. Probably should have mentioned that first, but this election is bugging me. I hide it well, I know…

Update for 7/13/23

New review today for the last of the SPX previews (for now?): Shadow Hills by Sean Ford. Three out of three were amazing, so if you’re on the fence about trying to make the show, I’ve given you at least three solid reasons…

Update for 7/11/23

New review today for Odd Clods #2 by Steve Steiner, and hey, if you’re in Ohio, early voting starts today for that sneaky August election that Republicans snuck in to try to override the November election before it even happens. Vote accordingly!

Update for 7/5/23

New review today for I Am Only A Foreigner Because You Do Not Understand by L. Nichols. Which is coming out at SPX in early September, so if you’re looking for sneak previews of the show, I’ve got at least one more review for an SPX debut soon…

Update for 7/3/23

New review today for Blirps #4 by Brian Canini, as the eternal quest to keep up with his comics continues.

Update for 6/29/23

New review today for The Amazing Camel Toe by Claire Duplan. Was this another accidental international week, as Andrew is in Australia and Claire is in France? Yep, looks like it…

Update for 6/27/23

New review today for Mole #9 by Andrew Pilkington. Comb your hair!

Update for 6/21/23

New review today for Satan’s Kingdom by Robert Sergel, which isn’t out quite yet, so I guess this is more of a preview. See, I’m not always ridiculously late on reviews! Just most of the time…

Update for 6/19/23

Happy Juneteenth everybody! New review for That Comic Smell #2 by David Robertson and several of his friends.

Update for 6/8/23

New review today for the return of an old favorite: Nod Away Volume 1 by Joshua W. Cotter! And I rarely put links in this section, but he’s trying to raise enough funds to help him complete his projected 7 volumes of this series, so if you’re the type who’s willing and able to help out a one-of-a-kind comics creator like Joshua, donate here, won’t you?

Update for 6/6/23

New review today for Barfology #1, an anthology (I think) edited by Marino Yinug and featuring a gaggle of cartoonists. Or is it a murder?

Update for 6/2/23

It’s the triumphant return of Carrie McNinch! New review today for You Can’t Get There From Here #57. She might catch up to King Cat yet!

Update for 5/21/23

New review today for Santos Sisters #3 by Greg and Fake Petre, and is the accidental theme this week reviewing comics from series that have gone at least 4 issues (and in the next case, several dozen more)? Sure looks like it!

Update for 5/29/23

New review today for Eyeland #10 by Nick Forker. Don’t be alarmed by the issue jump in reviews, but I do explain everything in it.