Mitchell, Brian John – Worms #6 (with Kimberlee Traub)


Worms #6

And the spinning wheel of Brian John Mitchell comics lands on… Worms!  Regular readers of this site and/or Brian’s comics know that the guy has a half dozen series (at least) that he’s working on at any given moment, usually with a few more that come out less frequently.  “Less frequently”, in his case, still means more often than most comics that are the ONLY comic put out by other creators.  He has an impressively prolific record, that’s what I’m trying to say.  In this issue of Worms our heroine wakes up after having been eaten by a giant worm (not to be confused with the smaller worms that have been in past issues).  She seems to have developed a rapport with the creature, so she leads it along with three other worms to attack the complex that has been holding her captive.  Some serious mayhem, and it’s almost adorable on these tiny pages.  There’s one thing that’s clear to me after reading all the issues (except #1) of this series: I still only have the vaguest idea of where this is all headed.  I know that Lost Kisses is going to be self-contained stories of his lost loves, Just A Man is going to keep going until the hero learns what happened and gets his revenge/gets killed, but this one is so surreal that it feels like it could have ended a couple of times already, or it could just go on forever.  I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, just something I’ve noticed and haven’t been able to talk about due to my “no spoilers” policy.  Anyway, as always this is worth a look, unless you haven’t read the other issues in this series, in which case it won’t make a lot of sense (but at least Brian is smart enough to put series recaps at the start of his comics).  $.75

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