You know, I was fairly undecided on this comic before. Becca was kind enough to send me all of the issues that I didn’t have of this series, and now I know what an amazing thing it is. The comics all contain certain elements, which is just about the only thing that holds them together as a series. They all have random quotes, dreams, conversations and overheard dialogue, mixed together in a way that makes it hard to follow in any kind of linear way, but who needs linear? It’s a joy to see snippets of dates that may or may not have happened, conversations which may have been expanded a little bit from reality, and the general chaos that is this comic. If this sounds like it’s a bit too willy-nilly or something, well, you don’t have to buy it. If you like things that make you think (but might not make much “logical†sense to you even after you’ve thought about it), then check it out. It’s only a buck, you know…