Barry is branching out into a few different directions these days, and this one is an “adult†comic, meaning that people are represented with actual genitalia and sometimes have various kinds of sex. Oy, to live in a place where this wasn’t seen as some kind of a big deal… Anyway, there are a few short stories in here, and they’re all entertaining. First up is a porn actress who’s had enough and decides, eventually, to take up a suggestion from her Dad about paint enemas. There are also stories of a slut who finally finds her place in the world and a dirty trick on a gorgeous woman who was completely untouchable to a couple of guys at a fast food joint. I liked this one quite a bit, even outside of the obvious benefit of all the naked people. There’s a general sense of playfulness and fun here that’s completely lacking in most of his recent work, by necessity because they’re serious stories, sure, but fun is a very underrated thing in comics.
Shame On You by Barry Southworth