1985! That's when this comic came out. The answer to this would probably depress me if I knew it, but how many of you were even alive in 1985? Sigh. Anyway, I picked this to review from the pile of Brad's comics more or less at random, and he was nice enough to send in a whole bunch of mini comics from the 80's and early 90's. How well do you know your comics history? Were you aware of the recent Fantagraphics collection of minis from the 80's? Maybe you should look into this stuff, get in touch with some small press roots. This comic is a response to a critic that apparently told Brad 25 years ago (christ) that he couldn't draw a fly. He made his style as simplistic as possible and drew a comic that is essentially a family portrait of yokels, including the farm animals, tractor and the family sitting down for supper. He even threw in some flies on the back cover, just to show that he could, in fact, draw them. There will be very many more of these minis gracing these pages soon enough, don't you worry about that. As for this one, it's short, fairly amusing and cheap. There are worse combinations.
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