This is the first issue of a new regular series by Lonnie, although “regular†in the small press comics world could be interpreted in a number of ways. Two comics in a year can be considered regular, so we’ll see what happens. And, not to give anything away or anything, but keeping the same title for the rest of the series might be a bit tough. There are three stories in here. The first is about a boxer who’s lost faith in the world, the second about a young girl whose mother has killed herself, and the last about life and death and everything after. This was a really great read, and I recommend it for anybody who happens to be going to SPX this weekend (you lucky bastards), but it also felt a bit like a punch to the gut. A bit depressing, if you will, what with all the death and futility of it all. If you’re looking for something happy I’m sure there’s something with puppies on this site somewhere, but if you’re looking for a solid comic, well, here it is.
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