Frey, Douglas – The Magpie #1


The Magpie #1

This might just be my favorite mini comic of the year. Well, I read a lot of comics and I have a notoriously bad memory, so that might not be as impressive a claim as it sounds right off the bat, but I loved this comic a lot. There’s a great quote on almost every page, a delusional (occasionally) magpie running around threatening people with physical violence, and general revelry. What’s not to love? What’s even more impressive is that Doug says this is his first mini comic, so I guess those sketchbook-like things were a good warmup. I’d say this is $3, I don’t want to ruin any more of this with analysis so I’ll just say that you should check the contact info up there immediately, send the man an e-mail and get a copy of this. Really!

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