Junior Librarians #1 (with Jim Mackey)
Well, that was dumb.  Let me explain: I’ve long wanted more Matt Feazell stuff on my site, as I’ve been vastly entertained at his stick figure adventures for years. This year at SPACE, once again, I got to his table when I was almost broke and could only afford to get one thing, so I randomly grabbed this one. That makes it at least partially my fault, as few people in comics are more prolific than Matt, and I’m sure many other things on that table would have amused me greatly. This one, however, did not. It’s not a bad story: junior librarians are given a challenge to reshelve a huge pile of books in the correct order. Then a hulking bully comes by and kicks the ladder down… and then apparently the ladder disappears, as they are forced to come up with another solution to their problem. It’s a mildly cute ending, but that’s what it is, after only three pages: an ending. The next two pages name all the characters, an utterly worthless exercise, and the back cover contains original sketches for the characters, which is also at least slightly worthless. Unless this all turns into a much bigger series and all of this is important in the long run, which is quite possibly the case. And why were two people needed to write/draw this? OK, enough bashing of the guy. He’s one of the stalwarts of the small press world and I have nothing but good things to say about him as a human being and about the vast majority of his work. I just wasn’t impressed with this particular comic. $.50