Stupid and Unkind #1
First off, before anybody thinks that this is a regular series or anything, Robin just had a lot of the story done and wanted to have something available for MOCCA, so he decided to do the story in two parts. And he says that the second part will be available at SPX this year (which I’m going too barring death or dismemberment), which isn’t long at all to wait for a resolution, especially not in the small press comics world. This is about a guy named Ronan who’s trying to get over an ex. He wants to rejoin the dating scene but can’t find anyone as perfect as his ex, which is, of course, what happens to everybody, even if their ex was never all that great to begin with. It’s fascinating to watch this new “relationship” happen, as Robin has an unmatched ear for dialogue that people would actually say in these situations. Great stuff again, and if anybody out there has a tough time meeting the ladies, might I recommend the tactic used to Roman in the sample below…