Englezos, Eve & Moutray, Joshua – Icecreamlandia #1


Icecreamlandia #1 Now Available! $3.50

Here you have a comic with no obvious plot, no recurring characters to tie anything together, and no obvious reason for being. I, for one, couldn’t be happier. What you have is a collection of one page testimonials from various people who are either living, dead or imaginary, loosely tied together by some sort of a newscast. I say “tied together” only because the newscast is the only thing in the book that happens more than once. Other than that you get to see a resigned old woman, a man in a rat suit, a small child, and Wonder Woman, among many others. There’s not a single thing I can compare this with, with possible exception of certain panels from Duplex Planet, but that’s a tenuous connection at best. The website tells you all you need to know, this is $3.50 and this is a comic you’re not likely to easily forget. Also, there’s a naked picture of the creators in the back…

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