Groening, Matt

That’s right, Matt Groening. You know, the guy who made the Simpsons? Actually, if any of you out there didn’t know that, go ahead and leave my page right now. What I might be able to excuse out of some of you (if you were raised in a cave or a different time period, perhaps) is if you hadn’t heard of the comic he was working on before, during, and probably after The Simpsons: Life in Hell. Yes, he really does draw like that all the time. There was a time when this was the best comic in the newspaper and, even if I think it isn’t as good recently (as some people say about the Simpsons, but that’s a different conversation entirely), the old stuff is classic. Buy these for anybody you know, or for yourself if you don’t already have them. He’s one of those rare people where the world would be a much crappier place without him in it.

The Big Book of Hell

The Huge Book of Hell

School is Hell

Work is Hell

Love is Hell

This book has gotten me through a few breakups, that’s for sure. Of course, by the time you order it and it gets to your house the worst of your depression will probably be over, but it’s funny even if you aren’t heartbroken.

Childhood is Hell

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